In my final year as a Bachelor's Cartoon and Comic Arts Degree student in 2022, I undertook a distinctive project: an illustrated retelling of the Adam and Eve narrative, presented in the form of a poem. Intriguingly, one of my characters from Columns of Creation, Earth, assumed the dual role of both God and devil in this reinterpretation. Opting for a richly textured graphite style, I aimed to evoke a sense of romance and biblical essence.
Within the poem, Earth, motivated by boredom, creates Adam and Eve and implores them to abstain from consuming the forbidden apple, which holds power greater than his own. Predictably, they succumb to temptation, but the consequences take a drastic departure from the conventional storyline.
Eve experiences hallucinations, witnessing Adam in an intimate encounter with a beautiful, enigmatic woman named Lilith. Consumed by blinding rage and jealousy, Eve confronts Lilith and inflicts fatal harm upon her. It is at this poignant moment that the snake, the tempter, reveals itself in a cave, clarifying that her vision never happened and she killed her for nothing. Overwhelmed by shame and horror, Eve takes her own life, and upon discovering the gruesome scene, Adam follows suit. The snake, disclosing itself as Earth, ascends into the sky, and promoted by loneliness, proceeds to fashion a new Adam and Eve.
I acknowledge that this narrative diverges into darker territory than the original, and that was precisely my intention. Raised Catholic and later distancing myself from religious beliefs, I approach this retelling with respect while expressing personal reservations. The project aims to explore my internal conflict concerning divine intervention and temptation.
Binding the book in collaboration with the textiles department at the university added a tangible dimension to the project. Additionally, I partnered with my significant other, who skillfully crafted a faux rock formation on the book's cover using materials commonly found in miniature painting. Observing and collaborating with him not only enhanced the visual appeal but also provided me with valuable insights and skills for future endeavors.