Embark on a captivating journey within the pages of my illustrated book, the culmination of my Masters Degree exploration. This heartfelt tale delves into the intricacies of a family, placing a spotlight on Quest, a dysfunctional father who unexpectedly finds himself in a parallel world. Among speaking animals, terrifying monsters, and even pirate turtles, the narrative weaves a whimsical tapestry blending the fantastical with heartwarming familial bonds.
This illustrated book not only pushes the boundaries of my writing and world-building skills but also serves as a celebration of creativity, the embrace of one's inner child, and a unique homage to Filipino culture. The story artfully integrates elements inspired by Filipino traditions, enriching the narrative with a cultural depth that resonates throughout the tale.
As a comic book writer, I crafted this narrative as a script rather than a traditional book, infusing it with dynamic visual storytelling. To provide a glimpse into the writing style, I've included a small sample that captures the essence of the script's vibrancy.
While the simplicity in the earlier work was partially intentional, it was also influenced by my skill development at the time. However, the journey since then has been a positive one of continuous learning and growth. I've honed my abilities and embraced new tools, notably mastering Photoshop to draw and color my work effectively. This evolution has not only expanded my artistic range but also enhanced the visual richness of my storytelling.
This online portfolio invites you to explore a world where creativity knows no bounds, where familial bonds are forged amidst the extraordinary, and where the spirit of Filipino culture is interwoven with the magic of childhood. Join me on this visual and literary odyssey, a celebration of imagination, family, and the rich tapestry of Filipino heritage.