The culmination of my Bachelor's in Cartoon and Comic Arts in 2022 stands out as the most cherished endeavor of my academic journey. This project, which I hold dear, not only earned me a Distinction but also contributed to my achievement of a 2:1 degree. Since its completion, my skills, particularly in coloring, have witnessed significant growth, amplifying my passion for this craft.

This multifaceted project unfolded through distinct stages, encompassing scripting, thumbnailing, drawing, coloring, video editing, and even a building phase. At the core of this endeavor was the creation of an immersive experience. As evidenced at the bottom of this page, I constructed a room adorned with plants, faux grass, rocks, and more. The objective was to transport the audience into a space mirroring the fictional world, enhancing their engagement with the animatic.

The project, tailored for individuals of all ages, places a special emphasis on a younger audience. "Life on Lumen" narrates the tale of Light, a cosmic kid yet to unearth his inner power. Within this heartwarming coming-of-age narrative of friendship and heroism, Light and his steadfast companion, Gerel, confront a formidable monster, uniting to protect their enchanting natural world. The joy I derived from working on this project is immeasurable, and I hope for more opportunities to delve into similar projects.


Writing/ editing


Illustrations (all-ages)